Perceptions of Life


Zeit(lose)Zeichen (a tribute to Otto Neurath) Künstlerhaus Vienna, 2012


Happy Clock (1) as part of the installation “Perceptions of Life” is the point of departure for and nucleus of an ever-growing object data visualization project. The clock objects visualize statistical surveys of internet databases (2) from 52 different countries worldwide, whereby the information presented links values reported for creativity and education with a value expressing subjectively experienced happiness.
Lands of creativity and education are marked Bon the edge of the clocks face, while the rotating pointer carries information regarding happiness. Only when the pointer is directly over a specific country is it possible to read all three of its data values.
A continually changing impression is conveyed by the rotation of the pointers on the individual objects. The use of Ikea clocks, a globally distributed product, accents the worldwide interlinking of divergent information.

1 Happy Cock was developed in 2010 as part of a cooperation with designer Sérgio Camiera.
2 The data is from data set WS2005 of the 4-wave integrated data,


Data Visualisation, Screen-print, Crayon on paper, Ikea clocks, d 33 cm, 2012