(Group Show, Kunsthaus Mürz)

muerz view

muerz view

muerz view

muerz viewmuerz view
fotos (c) di wolf leeb

4muerz2beat14, Kunsthaus Mürz, 2014
Catalogue excerpt:

Manfred Wakolbinger, Leopold Kogler, Michael Wegerer in collaboration with Judith Unterpertinger (aka JUUN) and Gerhard Kaiser engage in an artistic dialogue. Though very different in their artistic approaches. a closer study of the four artists' works reveals parallels in subject and content. One overriding parallel is an exploration of the closely related oppositional terms of "image" (Bild) I "representation" (Abbild) and "space" (Raum) I "framing space" (Umraum). The artists understand the image not Just as a reflection of the world but as a reflected translation of things perceived and imagined.

Text: Hartwig Knack (Art Historian, Writer, Curator), 2014
Translated from German: Chris Michalskis




